Average Reviews:

(More customer reviews)I bought this carrier when my daughter was about 4 weeks old; she's now 10 weeks old.I had a Moby that I borrowed from a friend but could never quite get to work, and my daughter hated being in it.I also have a Bjorn Active, but she seemed pretty precarious in that when she was so little.
This carrier is nearly perfect for infants.It's not quite as easy to put on as the Bjorn, but MUCH easier than the Moby, and it gives that nice snug fit that the Moby did.It's much lighter weight than the Bjorn, so it's easier on my back.I have the khaki-colored version, so I haven't had any problems with it showing dirt and dust.I wish the straps weren't so long (one size fits all), but I just wrap them around to my back and tie them again loosely.[I'm 5'4" and 145 lbs.]I think this carrier would fit most people.The fabric is thick, and the construction seems to be of good quality. It might be hot in hot weather, but most carriers are.
This has been a life saver.My daughter won't sleep anywhere except while being held.Now, once she's fed/diapered/etc and getting fussy (i.e., needs to sleep), I pop her in and walk around and sing.After a couple of minutes of fussing, she is sound asleep, sometimes for several hours.I can do a little light work around the house, plus I can sit and type at the computer (she's in the wrap right now).
*******Update 8/1/2010--my daughter is now almost 5 months old, and this carrier still works great with her facing me for her naps.She now weighs about 15 lbs, and it's not bad for a couple hours of use (especially if I can sit for part of the time).She starts to strain my back when I have to walk around with her for a couple of hours, but less so than when she is forward-facing in the Bjorn Active.
I have tried the face-out option, and it works OK, but I probable prefer to face her out in the Bjorn Active (it's quicker to put on).The Wrap and Tie is a little tall for her facing out, so I have to try to scrunch down the front, and I worry about her falling asleep and having her nose down in it.This carrier is definitely better than the Bjorn Active for facing-in naps (more support on the back of her neck so that her head doesn't flop around while she's sleeping).A friend is sending me her Ergo, so I will compare all three once I've tried it.
********Update 8/25/2010--Once I got the Ergo, I stopped using the Wrap and Tie.Both hold the baby snug and close to me, facing in, for sleeping.The Ergo is super easy to put on and great for my back.I am now an Ergo convert.
In summary---
1) Infantino Wrap and Tie:Pros = Great for little ones, facing in, for sleeping.Easier to put on than the Moby and yet keeps baby nice and snug.Can face baby out.Sturdy.Cheap (cheaper than other mei tai style carriers).Not bad on my back.Can ball it up and shove it in the diaper bag.Cons = harder to put on than Bjorn/Ergo, not as good as the Bjorn for facing out, not as good on the back as the Ergo.
2) Baby Bjorn (I have the Bjorn Active): Pros = My baby LOVES facing out when awake, and this is hands-down the best carrier for that.I put up with back pain to keep my baby happy.Cons: Not as good as the Wrap and Tie or Ergo for facing in/sleeping.Hurts my back to wear it for long (baby now ~15 lbs).Expensive.
3) Ergo: Pros = Quick and easy to put on, perfect for baby facing in/sleeping, cute little hood to put over her head to block out light while sleeping, AWESOME!!!! for my back.Cons = Expensive, baby can't face out.(My baby doesn't much like facing in while awake but she's getting used to it.)
When I go out, I usually take both the Ergo and the Bjorn with me in the car, and then pick whichever one is appropriate for my baby at the moment.If you have enough cash to drop on both (or better yet, can get them used or hand-me-down), get both and skip the Wrap and Tie.If you only have enough $ for one carrier, the Wrap and Tie might work.
*****final update--others have commented on the baby's face being smushed into their chest in the facing-in position.I haven't had a problem with this, but I frequently check my baby's neck position to make sure that her chin is tilted up a bit and her nose is pointing up a bit.It's easy to look down at her and reposition her head when appropriate.Also, I usually have her in with the binky in her mouth, which keeps her face off my chest as well.
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Product Description:
Infantino Wrap and Tie CarrierThe unique tie design of this baby carrier allows for maximum adjustability and comfort by eliminating buckles and simplifying fastening! The Wrap and Tie Carrier features a 3-in-1 design that allows the carrier to be used face-in, face-out, and as a back carrier. It is suitable for babies 8-35 lbs. It is super soft and breathable and features wide & comfortable padded straps for the carrier's comfort.
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