
Saturday 31 July 2010

Bebe Au Lait Nursing Cover, Soft Spot

Cheap Bebe Au Lait Nursing Cover, Soft Spot - Sale!!

Bebe au Lait Soft Spot Nursing Cover: Nurse discreetly and in style! Our award winning and patent pending nursing covers are sought by nursing moms everywhere. This Soft Spot nursing cover comes with a Bebe au Lait label. It is white and has a red and pink polka dot pattern.

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Bebe Au Lait Nursing Cover, Soft Spot Feature

  • One size
  • 100% cotton
  • Used as a nursing cover, a blanket, or even a sunshade to protect baby's fragile skin from harmful UV rays
  • Machine washable
  • Unique rigid neckline allows for ventilation, as well as direct eye contact between mom and baby

Editor's Opinion

"My best friend gave me the BeBe Au Lait nursing cover after my son was born and I had already started breastfeeding him. I had such a hard time getting him to latch in the beginning and he was very squirmy. Before I had this cover, I would use a receiving blanket tucked into my bra straps. My son would wiggle and pull down the blanket and I was mortified that I was going to show myself to the world when he did this. With the Bebe Au Lait, it straps around your neck so that it won't fall down in front but you can still peek through the opening that the plastic boning provides to view latching and see how well your baby is eating. The fabric is also much wider than I expected, so when the baby kicks or bats an arm, it doesn't totally expose you either. I love this thing!!! I am a PROUD breastfeeder but didn't want to expose myself and this gave me the confidence to get out of the car and fitting rooms I had been hiding in before. Never with anything else would I have had the nerve to nurse my son in public, let alone even sitting at the table in a busy restaurant (which I did, more than once) with such CONFIDENCE!

Makes a great cover for pumping too! When I returned to work, I ended up pumping in a storage closet without a lock on the door. (Yay.) I brought my Bebe Au Lait with me and used it to cover in case anyone walked in, which actually happened once. It was great to have something to cover me and to be able to see how much milk I was pumping but that I could still look down and make sure I was attaching/removing the flanges properly. I also used the cover a few times over the infant car seat for sun shade or protection from the rain. I happen to have two of these now because I found one at a consignment store. One of them is a very light colored fabric mostly white background with light grey and light blue (can't remember the fabric name), the other has a slightly darker more dense pattern (called Kimono). Neither of them are see-through at all. Washes well, and I do put it in the dryer on a light setting and use a warm iron occasionally.

I nursed my son for 10 1/2 months total, and I don't think I would have gone for so long had I not had this awesome cover! Now I am expecting baby # 2 and I am so happy that I have my Bebe Au Lait from the start! This thing will be ESPECIALLY nice to have in the hospital when friends, family, and nurses pop in without any announcement!"

can't see my baby - S. Ozev - AZ, USA
I put this product on baby registry because the ability to see my baby while nursing seemed very attractive. This was one of the most expensive privacy blankets on the market. I am disappointed that it is not very easy to use, especially with a baby who does not latch on too well and is fussy. If your baby goes to the breast easily, this may not be a problem, but so far, I have been unable to use it.

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